ICFS-Plus: Actuarial Software for the Property and Causality Insurance Industry

ICRFS-Plus™ 11: Commonly encountered licence messages

The following are common reasons ICRFS-Plus™ 11 is unable to obtain a licence.

  • Licence file is invalid (on attempting to load a licence).

    Usually this means a valid USB key was not found. Ensure an ICRFS-Plus™ USB key has been inserted into the machine and the driver has been loaded or you have the correct IP address set in SetServerDetails.

  • Failed to acquire a licence.

    Usually this means a valid USB key was not found. Ensure an ICRFS-Plus™ USB key has been inserted into the machine and the driver has been loaded or you have the correct IP address set in SetServerDetails.

  • Failed to acquire a licence; insufficient licences available.

    Either all licences are in use on the licence key server or the server key software has been installed on the client machine. If the latter please follow the following steps:

    1. Remove the USB key,
    2. Uninstall the Sentinel Key system driver and Sentinel Protection system in Control Panel,
    3. Go to the utilities\SPI directory on the ICRFS-Plus™ 11 CD and run the corresponding SSDCleanup for your system (either 32-bit or 64-bit),
    4. Reinstall the driver from utilities\SPI - do not install the driver from the server directory,
    5. Insert the USB key - Windows should identify (and load) the driver,
    6. Start ICRFS-Plus™ 11.