ICFS-Plus: Actuarial Software for the Property and Causality Insurance Industry

Insureware - a Unique Firm with a Unique Culture

Insureware is the inventor and disseminator of a new paradigm in long tail liability modelling that facilitates the sound management of risk and capital. Insureware provides unique eConsulting and software solution services to its global client base.

We create unique collaborative partnerships with each client. The partnership facilitates the growth of incomparable knowledge, benefits and applications within the client, as well as enabling our high calibre R&D team to develop new benefits and applications that are incorporated into upgrades of our software solutions.

We are a unique consulting and software solutions firm with a unique culture for several other reasons:

  • We are regarded as the R&D department for each one of our global clients. More than 75% of the Insureware's expenditure is on R&D.
  • We are the only actuarial consulting and software solutions provider that has a very strong statistical foundation.
  • We have unequalled knowledge and experience built up over many years, based on high-level R&D and feedback from our global client base.
  • Our high level statistical R&D is converted into practical tools that can be used by non-statisticians.

Our high calibre team gains unique knowledge by collaborating with each one of our clients, and from internal R&D. This knowledge is then shared by all the clients in updates of our software products that typically contain new applications and benefits.

Our high calibre dedicated R&D team of 15 people includes six statisticians and six programmers who have made contributions to new statistical methodologies, and have published widely in some of the world’s eminent statistical journals.

We have also made significant contributions to the statistical education of actuaries. Some of our unique methodological contributions are now on the CAS Syllabus of Examinations.

We are the inventor and disseminator of a paradigm shift. Our flagship software product, ICRFS-Plus™, is a groundbreaking long tail liability information management system that is a tour de force of interactive software design and computational speed. It is in a league of its own.

Software Solutions

ICRFS-Plus™ is the first and leading probabilistic long tail liability information management system in the world, with applications to loss reserving, pricing, optimal outgoing reinsurance, pricing inward reinsurance, level of diversification between multiple lines of business and capital allocation by line of business. It is the only long tail liability software product that provides a company wide picture based on sound statistical methodology.

ICRFS-ELRF™ is a software package incorporating the standard Link Ratio Techniques. It extends this paradigm by formalising the techniques into a regression setting. The resultant benefits include forecast standard error (instead of just a point value) and the ability to test whether the assumptions made by the model are confirmed in the data. We can then determine whether there are features of the model that are not in the data and vice versa.

High Level Technology Services

At Insureware, we pride ourselves on our unique on-line technical support. Our support staff guarantee answers to most ICRFS-Plus™ ‘how to’ questions within 24 hours and also provide data analysis services for ICRFS-Plus™ subscribers.

Apart from Insureware providing unique eConsulting and Global Technical Support on loss reserving, pricing, risk based capital, optimal capital allocation, diversification and reinsurance to its extensive global client base, Dr. Ben Zehnwirth also advises on mergers and acquisitions.

Our Team: Expertise and Experience

We believe that our staff and our proprietary software are the company's most valuable assets. The combination of expertise and experience at Insureware is unique to our firm.

Insureware has also been involved with several projects comprising "big data". The team is able to provide insight into large scale analysis and demonstrate results.

Insureware’s unique creative solutions and services
puts insurance organisations financially and strategically ahead

Our Clients: Across the Globe

Insureware's global client base comprises insurance and reinsurance companies as well as insurance and reinsurance brokers and consulting firms. Knowledge sharing is an important aspect of all our client relationships.

Global reach of Insureware’s ICRFS products - ICRFS-Plus and ICRFS-ELRF.

Our Future: Market-driven R&D

The future of Insureware lies in both education and innovation. Our novel ideas are driven both by research and the modelling of numerous portfolios across the globe. By incorporating these ideas into ICRFS-Plus™ and eConsulting services, our expanding client base gains an understanding and knowledge of their long tail liability risks that cannot be obtained in any other way.

Insureware is committed to continuing product and service provision innovation.

Go to our current and future research page to find out what exciting innovations we have in the pipeline.